Abingdon and the First World War

 Those Who Served



Archibald Buller West

Archibald was the son of JGT West.  There is an article about him on the Buildings and People website published by the AAAHS.


Details from the Abingdon Roll of Honour

Name: WEST, Archibald Buller

Status: Returned

Address: "The Knowl" Stert Street

Battalion, Ship or Squadron: 5th

Regiment: both Fiji Defence Corps and King's Royal Rifle Corps

Chronology: January 1916 to April 1919, Fiji

There are entries in the Roll of Honour for other Abingdon men with this surname. To find them go to


There is also an article about The Knowl on the Buildings and People website on this link.


Herbert West

There are no entries in the Abingdon Roll of Honour for this person. This is not unusual for a family based outside the town centre due to the way the Roll of Honour was compiled by house to house visits from the organisers.

There are entries in the Roll of Honour for other Abingdon men with this surname. To find them go to


Family notes tell us that Miss Bonner of 116 Ock Street was Herbert's future wife. This postcard is the briefest and most brutal of updates ending in the word "killed". The official letter would have gone to his parents as is mentioned in the newspaper articles written many years later. If they were in Little Milton did they send a telegram or phone message to Miss Bonner in Ock Street of which this is the transcript?

Another extremely brief update but of a very different kind. This is from Herbert himself letting her know that he was alive. The postmark shows that it was sent from the camp where he was imprisoned.

Original scans from the WW1 Families Collection

click on an image to see it in close up

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